viernes, 25 de enero de 2008

My Girl video

We tried to get the video of the engagement posted on this blog, but we couldn't get it to work. So, if you'd like to see the video, you'll have to visit Our Website

Let us know what you think!

jueves, 3 de enero de 2008

Dijo que "Yes"

Estamos comprometidos!
Dani contara la historia en español a través de sus ojos primero,
y después Randy va a contar en ingles desde su punto de vista.

We are engaged!
Here is the story through Dani’s eyes in Spanish,
and afterwards through Randy’s eyes in English.

Mis amados amigos y amigas,

¡Que noche tan bella! ¡Fue el día del año nuevo! ¡Randy me dio la sorpresa mas linda que podía haberme dado! ¡Me propuso matrimonio! ¡¡¡¡Yupi!!!! Bueno, aquí les va la historia desde el punto de vista de una chica enamorada y su príncipe!

Randy me pidió que vayamos a la casa de nuestros amigos (Forrest y Janelle), para celebrar el año nuevo... Yo dije "SI." Llegamos a la fiesta y habían unas 30 personas esperándonos, todos eran amigos nuestros, grandes personas de nuestras vidas...

Mas o menos a las 11:35 (que precisa, ¿verdad?), Randy, yo y otras parejas empezamos a bailar (Randy me dio un CD con canciones para escuchar mientras este en los estados unidos). Empezamos con una canción ranchera, Randy temblaba de pes a cabeza y yo le decia, que te pasa? Su respuesta era, No quiero pisarte los pies? La segunda fue otra canción ranchera y la tercera fue la canción " My Girl" de los años sesentas.

Quiero contarles que Randy nunca me dedico una canción ni nunca me dijo que me amaba =(, pero todo era por un proposito. Cuando estábamos bailando la tercera canción el dijo: "Dani te dedico esta canción", y yo ¿que creen que dije? "Ahhhhhh."

La situación era bien romántica... segundos mas tardes las personas que estaban al rededor nuestro empezaron a bailar al son de la canción, "My Girl," y a mi me pareció rico... Yo no tenia ni la menor idea de lo que estaba pasando... de en medio de la gente cuatro amigos de Randy (Forrest, Sage, Noah y Jon) salieron y empezaron a bailar para nosotros, SUPER LINDO! Cuando terminaron, otro de sus amigos (Ross) salio e hizo un salto mortal y lanzó pétalos de rosas delante de nosotros. La gente dejó de bailar y en fila vinieron y dejaron rosas delante de nosotros.

Hasta este punto yo no tenia ni la menor idea de lo que estaba pasando... de verdad, ni me las olía. En fin, todos se fueron y nos quedamos solitos. Cuando Randy me dijo “TE AMO” en ese instante los ojos se me abrieron y entendí lo que estaba a punto de pasar y empecé a llorar. Entonces el se arrodillo (me dijo cosas bellas) y me preguntó, "¿Te casarías conmigo?" Yo seguí llorando. Yo quise arrodillarme con el y el me dijo, "¿Me puedes responder?" y yo dije, "YES."

Tuvimos una charla pequeñita y cuando bajamos sus amigos estaban esperándonos con champán y petardos. Empezamos el conteo 10, 9, 8... 2, 1, FELIZ AÑO NUEVO!!! Y yo seguía llorando.

Amigos, los detalles se quedan en mi corazón... el momento esta grabado en mi alma... la adrenalina de felicidad la llevo en las venas, el hombre de mi vida estará conmigo por el resto de mis días, y la Gloria es para Dios.

Fue hermoso. Me encantó estar rodeada de gente que nos ama y que nos lo demostró de una manera invalorable. Gracias por estar con nosotros esa noche tan especial!

Le agradezco a Dios por todos ustedes que han estado con nosotros durante los buenos y malos días desde que nos arreglamos. Quiero dar gracias a todos los que estaban en la fiesta de año nuevo. ¡Son gente admirable! Dios los bendiga y guarde.

Quiero dar graciasa mi amada familia que sabiendo todo esto desde Octubre, el día que Randy le pidió la mano a mi papa, han estado conmigo. Los amo un montón.

Gracias a la familia de mi novio =), que me han amado incondicionalmente y me han hecho sentir parte de la familia. Los amo!

Gracias a a mis amigos de Bolivia que me faltaban esa noche. Un besote

Randy, te amo y eres el anhelo de mi de mi corazón. Dios ha sido bueno conmigo y me dio el regalo mas maravilloso de mi vida, TU! Es un honor ser tu novia, amiga, confidente, hermana en Cristo, tu compañera de la vida.

Y al mas importante de todos... Mi Dios, mi Padre... Te amo Señor, fortaleza mi, roca mía castillo mío y mi libertador. Mi vida vale la pena y tiene sentido desde que tu la rescataste y le diste vida y vida en abundancia. Te adoro y Tu eres el mas importante en nuestra relación... Solo por tu amor y gracia nuestra relación va a salir adelante...


I've had a couple ideas for an engagement. One was designed for a backpacking trip, which wasn't going to happen in December in Colorado. The other idea was originally supposed to happen in a park, but I adapted it for a New Years party, and I think it worked out much better that way.

I wanted it to be a surprise, involve friends and family, be fun, unique and of course romantic. So here's what happened...

The night before New Year's Eve I gathered with some key people in a meeting disguised as a guy’s night with friends from college. Noah, Ross, Jon, Sage, Forrest, Ali and Missy helped me design and choreograph the evening. With the plans in place, all I had to do was show up late to the party with the girl and the ring.

Fast-forward one day. As we leave for the party, Dani remarks that she forgot her rings. I tell her we can't turn back now. She is absolutely stunning in her new black dress and her hair done the way I love it most.

We arrive late as planned with the party in progress. It seemed like a very normal New Year's celebration, but there was a thick anticipation in the air as everyone in the house that night was aware of what was going to happen. And they weren't only aware, but they had come early to find out the plan and learn their very important role.

Dani didn't find it strange that she recognized so many people at the gathering. We bounced around greeting people, heard an engagement story from Jon Watson and his bride-to-be Calli, and then headed to the basement to watch a highlight video of the mission trip Forrest had led a year ago to Bolivia.

The video ended and it was show time. Upstairs the dancing began. It seemed fairly normal... if you live in a movie. It was a full-participation dance (because of course it was planned) with 100% of the partiers either partner dancing or happily conversing on the edge of the dance floor. Pretty funny if you knew what was going on, but of course Dani was without a clue as to what was about to happen. She did notice something strange with me and asked if I was shaking. I told her I was nervous that I'd step on her toes and we laughed as we danced together.

For nearly a year we had dated and I, despite Dani's pleas, had never dedicated a song to her. So Allison Kraus finished singing and in the silence before the next song I told Dani, "I'd like to dedicate this song to you." I sang to her as we danced:

"I've got sunshine, on a cloudy day
When it's cold outside, I've got the month of May
Well, I guess you'll say, 'What can make me feel this way?'
My girl..."

It was fairly normal to this point. But the echoes following "My girl" came from two groups of girls that popped up from behind some couches. Dani didn't seem to notice. But as we spun around she noticed a group of people on the stairway mysteriously snapping and dancing in sync. She pointed it out to me, "Look at those guys!"

By now the whole place was snapping along to the song. We continued to dance and I sang the second verse to Dani. The second time we sang "My girl" all the guys in the room echoed the first time, and the ladies followed with a second echo. The couples dancing around us broke away from their partners and formed a circle around Dani and I, snapping together and singing loudly.

For the instrumental interlude that followed, I led Dani to the edge of the circle that had surrounded us, conveniently centered in front of the fireplace, so we could watch. Forrest, Sage, Jon and Noah - dressed in all black - entertained us with a little dance, most of the moves taken from the original Temptations. It concluded with the four guys opening up to reveal Ross who came and ended the routine with a back flip, perfectly landed, right in front of us. He then tossed rose petals up in the air that landed at our feet.

One by one, everyone in the room danced up to us and set a long stemmed rose at our feet and then departed to the basement. Missy placed the last rose at our feet and only Noah was left. He smiled goodbye and right before heading down the steps tossed me a little white box. Dani and I were all alone, the song was over, and we were encircled with roses on one side and a fire on the other.

I don't think it is necessary to go into all the details about what I shared, but I told Dani I loved her for the first time, got down on one knee and in Spanish asked her to marry me. She cried, tried to kneel down with me (I didn't let her), and finally gave me a nod to indicate "affirmative." I told her I was glad she forgot her rings, because I had remembered to bring one for her. But before I placed it on her finger I told her I needed a verbal response to my question, to which she said (in English), "Yes!"

After some time together we headed downstairs to greet the rest of the party with some Champaign and just in time to count down the New Year. Forrest organized a prayer time and so we started 2008 engaged and placing it all before the Lord.

I really have amazing friends. As I recount the story and think how special the night was for both Dani and I, I can't help but know that God is behind it all. So in addition to thanking my bride-to-be and all those involved, I want to express my gratitude to the Creator of love and the Inventor of friendships.